On August 24th 2012 twenty youths from Syracuse, NY and Patchogue-Medford NY traveled to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology for an exciting Youth Summit.
Two groups working on habitat restoration, bird monitoring, and community education presented on their local projects: LACE from Syracuse and The Thicklets from Long Island.
Here was a list of activities for the day:
- Breakfast and Welcome in the Visitor Center
- Cornell Campus tour
- Bioacoustics Presentation – with Ashik Rahaman
- Hike – Sapsucker Woods Sanctuary
- Lunch
- Round Robin Introductions
- Museum of Vertebrates with Charles Dardia
- Bird Banding with David Bonter
- “Conservation in the Neotropics” with Eduardo Iñigo Elias
- Dinner
- “Studying at Cornell, working at the Lab, and my summer working in Ecuador” with Seth Inman (Cornell Undergraduate)
- Student Presentations