We are thrilled to announce the organizations that will receive the 2017 Celebrate Urban Birds mini-grants!
Celebrate Urban Birds mini-grants are awarded once a year to organizations to help fund creative neighborhood events focused on birds and community participation in citizen science. All mini-grant applicants are offered free materials and training to support their events (even if their proposals are not funded). In the last 10 years, CUBs has partnered with over 10,000 community-based organizations, distributed more than 250,000 educational kits, and hundreds of mini-grants have been awarded since the launch of the program in 2007.
This year, twenty-three organizations will receive a mini-grant to help them fund their creative neighborhood events and activities. The proposals reviewed were diverse in geography, and creative. They integrated the arts, greening, birds, and community involvement. Our winners are from 12 different cities and towns in the United States, and from 4 other countries! We are excited to support their projects in their communities (and hope you are too):
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Indiana (BBBS) -IN
Buena Vista Florece Inc. – PR
Children’s Friend and Service -RI
East Carolina University- NC
Elkhorn Valley Museum -NB
Fundación REDES – Bolivia
Genesee County Agricultural Society -MI
Ithaca City School District -Beverly J. Martin Elementary School -NY
Ithaca City School District, Enfield Elementary School, Pre-K classroom -NY
Kuxtal Yaxkaba, Gestores Ambientales y Sociales S.C. – México
La Casita Cultural Center – NY
Ojo de Lumbre – San Luis de Potosí, México
P.A.N.A.S (Proyecto Ambiental de Nuestros Amigos de la Superior – PR
P.S. 228Q – NY
Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy – PA
Red de Observadores de Aves y Vida Silvestre de Chile (ROC)- Chile
Saint Paul Public Library – MN
San Juan Bay Estuary Program – PR
The Guild for Exceptional Children – NY
The Outlet Dance Project Festival – NJ
Town of Edmonston – MD
USU Extension – UT
Watsonville Wetlands Watch – CA
With so many creative proposals, we had a difficult time choosing only these applicants. We would like to thank all of the organizations who applied and encourage you to apply next time as well. Look forward to reading all about their events on our website!
You can read more about past mini-grant events here!