Improving Environmental Education for All Communities
What is the face of environmental education in an increasingly urban and diverse society?
For decades, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been training and guiding environmental educators to improve the quality of life in American communities, and positive results have been obtained in many places across the country. However, it has become clear that traditional approaches are not effective in more urban and diverse communities.
Through a series of workshops, online courses, professional learning communities, and social networking opportunities, a group called EECapacity is bringing established and urban environmental educators together to exchange ideas and resources, and forming expanded social networks. As innovative environmental education practices emerge through this exchange among diverse professionals, EECapacity will share and test them. In this way, EECapacity participants will help define the face of environmental education in an increasingly urban and diverse society.
Learn more about EECapacity here!
Or, read more about this initiative through the following links:
EPA Guidelines: National Project for Excellence in Environmental Education
Welcome to the EElinked Networks
Urban Environmental Education