Celebrate Urban Birds has been working hard to get folks involved in the annual Great Backyard Bird Count this year! It is a fun, free, family-friendly way to discover and help birds! Please help us bring the GBBC/Contando Aves en Comunidad to people who have never had the opportunity to participate in programs like this before. You can share the GBBC Spanish version of the website (instructions to participate, how to enter data and frequently asked questions at “Contando Aves en Comunidad”(www.contandoaves.org).
You can also download a Spanish press release in PDF to share with your Spanish speaking friends here:
[download title=”Contando Aves en Comunidad News Release” url=”http://celebrateurbanbirds.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Contando-Aves-en-Comunidad_NewsReleaseCompleteFinal.pdf” id=”3951″]