
Integrate the Arts

  • Find art activities and lesson plans to help youth connect with nature. Activities include fabric collages, tile painting, bird mobiles and much more.
  • Hold an art/mixed media/or photography contest or a non-competitive art showing of student art inspired by the natural world in cities. Use the same theme as any of our challenges, and take a look at entries to learn and be inspired to observe!
    Girl with paper bird on tree
    (Photo © Katie Yamasaki)
  • Could dance, theatre, or music be inspired by birds, urban nature, and conservation? Let students try!
  • Have kids research and then draw birds and other urban wildlife on cardboard or heavy stock paper. Cut out the birds and then take a field trip. Have the kids place their cutouts in suitable habitat and photograph them. See full article and lesson plan by Katie Yamasaki.
  • Have kids create/paint postcards inspired by urban nature and conservation. Send the postcards to the Lab of Ornithology.
  • Create a mural inspired by urban nature.
  • Have students create urban terrariums with city landscapes and green spaces.
  • Could you create art with plants? Create a vertical garden or container gardens for the birds.
  • Choose one bird and do art projects and research to learn more about it. Check out what kindergartners at the Brooklyn New School have learned about Rock Pigeons!

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