Thanks to the Wallace Genetic Foundation, twenty-three youth and twelve chaperones from around the country were selected to attend the 2012 Arts and Nature Workshop held on January 31st – February 2nd, 2012 at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Youth between the ages of 9-18 years old traveled from major cities in California, Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, New York, Kansas and other states.
The workshop focused on the connection between the arts, nature, and conservation. Staff from seven departments at the Cornell Lab shared their expertise and time.
- learned art techniques directly from top science illustrators and community artists
- explored career paths in conservation, science, and the arts
- learned how they can make a difference by mobilizing communities through the arts
- saw lots of original art by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, Charlie Harper, and many others
- explored how visual, fabric, and performing arts are used to promote conservation messages
- explored video production and editing
- learned the power of graphic design and data visualizations
- met people who have made a career out of their love for the arts, conservation, and science
Comments from chaperones and students:
“Coming here and listening to all these presentations made me realize that even though I’m just one kid, I can make a big difference.”
“The workshop surpassed anything that was in my mind.”
“I learned that there are many ways in which you can inform others about conservation/how animals tell us or show us something is wrong.”
“I will change the way people think about nature in my community.”
“Chris Clark loves what he does…and it’s inspiring.”
“I think that I will enjoy being outside more. I will take time to draw nature.”
“Seeing the collections was my favorite part of the workshop because we got a close-up look at birds we would never see in person.”
“My favorite parts of the workshop were walking on the trails, looking at the dead birds, and looking at the alive birds…oh and looking at the fish inside the containers! My least favorite part of the workshop was having to leave the workshop.”
“This workshop was amazing, making me want to go and start my own garden to attract all sorts of birds.”
“This workshop will change me. I will always look at birds.”
“I feel like a specially trained science/art assassin who can execute new ideas!”
“The workshop helped me find direction in art and science…areas I can go into, opportunity to meet experts and ask them questions.”
“The workshop will gear my goals (what I do in school) more towards going into birds.”
“We could change the future, and care for the environment”

You can download the banner collage here: [download title=”ArtAndNatureWorkshopCollage” url=”http://celebrateurbanbirds.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ArtAndNatureWorkshopCollage.pdf” id=”4685″]