Get ready to participate!
First, get your Celebrate Urban Birds kit (by mail or online). Organizations receive one free kit when they sign up for the project. Everyone can purchase kits in our store. You’ll also need to create your citizen science account to share your observations.
Then learn about the 16 focal species.
Watch birds and send us your observations!
It’s easy! Anyone can do it, no matter how little experience they have with birds. Help scientists better understand the value of urban green areas for birds
- Beforehand, pick a date, time, and place for watching birds.
- Watch an area about the size of half a basketball court for ten minutes
- Record which of the focal birds you see and don’t see in your bird-watching area.
Send us your data by mail using the paper data form. Send it to: Celebrate Urban Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca NY 14850 or submit it online using your citizen science account. If you are watching birds in Canada, please use the online submission. You can access the Spanish data form here.
As a Celebrate Urban Birds participant we also encourage you to:
- Participate in greening efforts.
- Participate in fun arts activities to deepen observation.
- Organize a community event that includes data collection, greening, and the arts (let us know so we can feature you on our website).
- Apply for a Mini-Grant
- Get $100-$750 to support an event in your community. It’s easy! Learn more here.
- Participate in a seasonal challenges.
Questions? We are happy to help! Email us at